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Starting Position
- Place this where you want to appear at the start of the level.
- Can only place one.
Hard Block
- Cannot pass through
- Can run on, normal speeds.
- Can wall jump.
- Cling to wall is 4x slower than falling.
- Same as a Hard Block, but tiles connect while playing.
Ice Block
- Hard block (cannot pass through)
- Can run on, 4x less friction, normal max speed.
- Can wall jump.
- Cling to wall is 50% slower than falling.
Honey Block
- Hard block (cannot pass through)
- Can run on, 4x more friction, 50% less max speed.
- Can wall jump.
- Cling to wall is 24x slower than falling.
Tar Block
- Hard block (cannot pass through)
- Cannot run on, you are stuck, jump to get free.
- Can wall jump
- Cling to wall is 500x slower than falling.
Vine Block
- Hard block (cannot pass through)
- Can run on, normal speeds.
- Can wall jump, as well as climb up and down the sides.
- Can climb on bottom of block, hold down and jump to release.
Spike Block
- Hard block (cannot pass through)
- Can run on, normal speeds.
- You will take red heart damage when you make contact.
Sticky Spike Block
- Hard block (cannot pass through)
- Cannot run on, you are stuck, jump to get free.
- Can wall jump
- Cling to wall is 500x slower than falling.
- You will take red heart damage when you make contact.
Death Block
- Hard block (cannot pass through)
- This block is insta-death, doesn't matter how much health you have.
- Don't touch.
S Block
- Hard block (cannot pass through)
- Can run on, normal speeds.
- Turns into dashed lines when s-switch is active.
S Dash Block
- You pass right through this.
- Turns into a hard block when s-switch is active.
Red Block
- Hard block (cannot pass through)
- Can run on, normal speeds.
- Turns into dashed lines when on-off is on.
Blue Dash Block
- You pass right through this.
- Turns into a hard block when on-off is off.
On Block
- Hit this to turn the global state of the level on or off.
Kaizo Block
- Is invisible and non-interactive on level start, activates by hitting the bottom
- Hard block, cannot pass through (after activated)
- Can run on, normal speeds.
Kaizo Dash Block
- Dashed lines and non-interactive on level start, activates by hitting the bottom
- Hard block, cannot pass through (after activated)
- Can run on, normal speeds.
No Player Block
- You pass right through this.
- Enemies, items, objects all have collision with it, like a hard-block.
Sticky No Player Block
- You pass right through this.
- Enemies, items, objects all have collision with it, like a hard-block.
- Enemies stick to this block, no movement.
Only Player Block
- For you, this is like a hard-block, with collision and everything.
- Enemies, items, objects all pass through this like it doesn't exist.
Left Treadmill
- Collision like a hard block.
- When landed on this block, you'll be moved to the left.
Right Treadmill
- Collision like a hard block.
- When landed on this block, you'll be moved to the right.
Key Block
- A normal block, but when you put a key into it, it unlocks (disappears).
Teleport Block
- Press up when you're standing on top of this block and you'll be teleported to it's counterpart.
Exclamation Block
- Activate this block to generate a hidden enemy, item, or object.
- Hit it from underneath (or on the side with a spinning enemy) to activate.
- Place enemy, item, or object over this tile in editor mode to put one of those inside.
Falling Platform
- You only interact with the top, you'll pass through otherwise.
- Can run on, normal speeds.
- Platform will start falling when you land on it.
- You can still jump off as it falls.
Rising Platform
- You only interact with the top, you'll pass through otherwise.
- Can run on, normal speeds.
- Platform will start rising when you land on it.
- You can still jump off as it lifts.
Up-Down Platform
- You only interact with the top, you'll pass through otherwise.
- Can run on, normal speeds.
- Platform will continually move up and then down and then back up again...
Left-Right Platform
- You only interact with the top, you'll pass through otherwise.
- Can run on, normal speeds.
- Platform will continually move left and then right and then back left again...
- Enemy, will walk off of ledges.
- Jump on to disable, spin jump to kill.
- Can be held when disabled, hold run to grab.
- Throw forward by letting go of the run.
- Drop nicely by holding down and letting go of run.
- Kick upwards by holding up and letting go of run.
- Enemy, won't walk off of ledges, will turn back.
- Jump on to disable, spin jump to kill.
- Can be held when disabled, hold run to grab.
- Throw forward by letting go of the run.
- Drop nicely by holding down and letting go of run.
- Kick upwards by holding up and letting go of run.
- Enemy, won't walk off of ledges, will turn back.
- Normal jump on him will make you take damage.
- Spin jump will be safe, but he will not be hurt.
King Bazz
- Enemy, won't walk off of ledges, will turn back.
- Normal jump on him will make you take damage.
- Spin jump will be safe, but he will not be hurt.
- Will move fast and spin when you get close.
Empty Buzzer
- Like a regular Buzzer, but it has no soul.
- Free to pick up and use like you would a stunned Buzzer.
- An easily killed enemy, jump on them at will.
- Yay, more meat for the grinder!
Goal Orb
- You beat the level when you touch this.
- Can place as many as you want.
Key Orb
- You beat the level when you touch a held key to this
- Can place as many as you want.
- You return to the last checkpoint when you die.
- Make contact with this to active it.
- You must clear the level from each checkpoint to upload.
No Weapon
- You lose an equipped weapon when you touch this.
- Can place as many as you want.
No Gloves
- You lose any equipped Gloves when you touch this.
- Can place as many as you want.
- Replenishes one red heart for Spark
Max Heart
- Increases Spark's Maximum Health
- Also adds one red heart to Spark
- Gives Spark A Shield Heart
- Most damage remove shields first
- Ex: Spikes remove red hearts, not shields
- Gone when you lose it
- For treasure seekers
- Can place 5 per level
- If level is featured, will count towards their overall Waffle count
- If level is featured and there are no waffles, Spark will put them in
Double Jump Gem
- Every gem you collect lets you double jump one more time.
- These can be chained together in air.
- Gives Spark A Sword
- Sends damage in an arc in front of Spark
- Press ; or Spacebar to swipe
Grappling Hook
- Gives Spark A Grappling Hook
- Swing like Spiderman
- Spacebar to shoot or release, up or down to climb or repel, left or right to swing while in the air
Wall Jump Gloves
- Gives Spark a pair of Spikey Gloves
- Enables Wall Jumping
Wall Climb Gloves
- Gives Spark a pair of Super Spikey Gloves
- Enables wall & ceiling climbing on every block type.
Double Jump Boots
- Gives Spark a pair of Gravity Defying Boots
- Enables double jumps after landing on ground or clinging to a wall (wall jump)
- Jump on this, and you go much higher than normal
- Grab this by holding run
Sideways Spring
- This will launch you and other things sideways.
- Turns yellow dashed lines into blocks, and vice versa
- Grab this by holding run
- Turns dashed red lines into blocks, blue blocks into dashed lines.
- Grab this by holding run
- Turns dashed blue lines into blocks, red blocks into dashed lines.
- Grab this by holding run
- Solid object, this can be held
- Will open doors, unlock blocks, and beat levels (key orb)
Wood Crate
- Solid object, this can be held
- Floats on water, poison, holy, honey, tar, burns in lava.
- Will activate switches if dropped on them.
- Spinning Buzzers will destroy this.
Metal Crate
- Solid object, this can be held
- Sinks in water, poison, holy, floats on honey, tar, lava.
- Will activate switches if dropped on them.